A Sneak Peak

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When I went to the library I didn't see anyone around so I hopped onto an empty computer in the very back. I opened the browser and typed in WattPad. I signed in using my username and password accessing my notifications. I saw there were over 20 notifications but when I checked it there were actually a hundred. I smiled softly seeing all the positive feed back and votes along with several additions to reading lists and about 10 new followers. I smiled even more cause I was happy to write stuff people enjoyed. But the story I wrote from my own idea. I stared at the name...

(Y/n): "The Demons Invasion on My Hometown.... I guess people dont like reading stories set in medieval times with demons and the hero can either save the world or lead it to ruins controlling the demons." I said to myself with a small sigh until I saw a new notification. I looked at it and saw it was a comment from someone called 'CatOfBooks' I smiled at the name. Then I saw the comment.

(Y/n): "I love your stories all of them!! I wish you would update your none comment based story more its one of my favorites!!!" I mumbled feeling a blush spread across my face reading this. No one really read my true story so seeing this made me feel elated but I typed up a reply. "Wish I could but seeing how no one reads it ive just about given up on it. I'm glad you enjoyed it so I might update every two weeks or something like that. Hope my future works will please you." I said to myself checking the spelling. I smiled but my smile faded as I heard a notification go off near me and I knew it was the WattPad notification sound. I quickly logged out and deleted everything I could to erase my existence there. I didn't want people knowing I was the fantasy author that was starting up and growing in fame. Yes I was the infamous author... MindBodyDepression that wrote stories about a male character with a shattered past that find refuge with four girls who fall in love with him and events unfold. And the story of fictional characters getting with the reader in various ways from Yandere to suicide and everything in between. If they knew about me my life would be worse off than it already is. So when I turned around to get out I stopped there stood Blake Belladonna a girl I'm in love with but also know I have no chance with. She was holding her scroll and was on WattPad I saw as I slowly backed up seeing her shocked expression.

Blake: "(Y/n) are you... MindBodyDepression?" She asked half in disbelief half in shock. I looked away running through the shelves of books. I needed to get out and try to come up with an excuse. But at every turn she was there refusing to let me go. I sighed walking up to her in defeat waiting for her to push requests down my throat. I was used to this and enjoyed it unless it was requested in real life then I hated it since they could annoy me to write it. So when I was infront of her she didn't say anything as I waited for something. I felt her wrap her arms around me hugging me tightly as I went bright red looking at her shocked. She hugged me tighter as I couldn't return the hug I was paralyzed in fear and embarrassment. She let me go blushing slightly as I looked away red faced.

(Y/n): "Yeah im that author so what do you want a book? 2? Anything more than that will take me a week." I said in an upset tone as she looked at me confused.
Blake: "I want nothing from you except an update on The Demons Invasion On My Hometown. I really do love it honestly I really enjoyed the part when H-" she started before I shushed looking around embarrassed.
(Y/n): "C-Can we talk somewhere more private?" I asked as she nodded as we went to my dorm since I am a solo as she looked at me. I smiled slightly bright red making room for her. She smiled sitting on my bed as I started up my computer signing in and going on WattPad. She came up behind me as I started editing the update she wanted then she gasped. Well who wouldn't there still in editing were 59 parts to that story unpublished all over 3,000 words and there own titles. I looked at her bright red with a small smile.

Blake: "Why arent any of these published? I'm so excited just seeing the titles I want to read them!" She said as I watched her bow twitch in excitement as I chuckled a little.
(Y/n): "Blake I know your a Faunus so don't worry about hiding it with me. And why they aren't published is I'm ashamed of everything I write. I feel like all these positive feedback and stuff are undeserving to be given to me. I just don't feel like I'm a good writer and with this being my first actual book I just feel anxious..." I said as she hugged me tightly placing my head on her chest as I went bright red.  She giggled a little holding onto me as I was unable to comprehend whats happening. She made me look at her as I was embarrassed beyond belief. Not only did someone find out about my author life, she was in my room, she saw all my unpublished chapters, and she pressed my head against her chest with her being the girl I love. She just stroked my hair softly before hugging me again. I hair froze embarrassed even more as she smiled.

Blake: "Listen here (Y/n) you are an amazing author I'm not the only one who thinks this both my team and Jaunes read your stories. We all love it and everyone else that comments compliments are saying the truth. You just need to let yourself not worry and publish your chapters. And I have to say I've seen you reading more than I have now I realize youve been doing research for your stories. And I want to say I love you as well.. " she said bright red as I stared her now being my turn to be staring in disbelief and shock. She hugged me again as I hugged back holding her closer as we stared into one another's eyes. I pulled her close softly placing my lips on hers as she returned the kiss happily as we stayed like this for a minute before breaking the kiss. We smiled softly as from this day on we started going out.

Time skip 3 weeks

I was laying under a tree my arms wrapped around Blake as we were reading the chapter called 'The Battle At Horn Range' in The Demons Invasion On My Hometown. She was pointing out spelling mistakes to me as I face palmed feeling so stupid that those got by my double checks. She giggled kissing my chin softly as we kept reading together. Then my scroll went off showing multiple notifications as I sighed. She snuggled up to me smiling as I checked the notifications. I smiled widely seeing all the comments and votes on my personal story. Then I checked the comments replying to them as I always do saying how happy it makes me that they enjoy my stories. And Blake pointed out the names of her team and Jaunes. I smiled kissing her head as I checked the other stories. Checking the reader story seeing the requests. I commented working right on it as she giggled. My fingers flew on my scrolls keyboard as I went to work writing up the stories. She just watched as we sat there for about 3 hours typing up the seven requests that were made. She giggled as I found nice pictures for each chapter placing them at the start. And then I published them and went back to letting Blake read the battle. I kissed her head softly as we enjoyed the reading. People would question what I would do when I turned my scroll sideways typing away on it. I just ignored everything holding my girlfriend happy about how it turned out 3 weeks ago.

(Y/n): "Hey kitty you know what?"
Blake: "What is it baby?"
(Y/n): "I'm really glad you caught me that day. And caught a sneak peek at my story." I said as she giggled sitting up in my lap kissing me as I placed the scroll down as we started to make out holding each other. Sincerely I was glad she caught me otherwise I wouldn't be happy today.

A/n Alright guys you can interpret this chapter however you want. And I wanted to say this... YOU GUYS ARE ABSOLUTELY INSANE!!!!! NOT EVEN A WEEK LATER  SINCE I POSTED THANK YOU FOR HITTING 5K AND WE HIT 10K!!! You guys have no clue how much that actually means to me. The fact that you guys are still loving my writing, voting my stories up, giving me new followers, adding it to your reading lists, and commenting uplifting things enjoying my stories, reading my stories, and most importantly you guys saying how you enjoy my stories. No lie I'm actually extremely happy you guys are enjoying my work and I can't thank you all enough for this honestly. I am beyond elated with you guys. All I ever ask is that you guys enjoy my stories and commenting your requests and compliments. And let me clarify things I.Want.Requests I enjoy writing for you guys cause I get bored easily so keep all those comments coming. So don't worry about overloading me, annoying me, or anything I don't mind anything. Oh also I should say that the types of request have been updated. We have Yandere, Cheater, Lemon, One shot, Dark, Cheater Lemon, Dark Cheater, Yandere Cheater, and some more. And I have to ask why do you guys enjoy my lemons so much? I only ask because I had to write multiple lemons in a row more than once. Now with all that out of the way again thank you guys and girls so much for taking your time to read this. Leave your comments, requests, and your response to my question about the lemons. Now with this I will leave you guys to my stories enjoy! :D

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