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Blackout and I, we had gone on a lot of adventures together. We learned quite a bit about ourselves.
Like, I had learned that I loved to tease Blackout Flaire a lot. I also learned that I had fallen helplessly in love with him.
And you want to know something? He did too.

Blackout Flaire and I, we couldn't be separated. We were true friends, even though we had only known each other for a short period of time.

One time Flaire asked why I had started to cry, but the truth was, I was crying because I was happy. I told him that too. I was happy that I had met the one pony who made my life worth while.

We had each other's backs until the end.
One day I was alone, Blackout Flaire was a little bit busy, so I decided to go out for a walk. I didn't know what I was going to find, but I felt like I had to walk the same path of which I had met Flaire on.

When I came home from meeting Blackout, I had told Wolfie all about it. He was so proud, so was Athena.

A shock was sent through my heart, and I stopped myself before I reached any closer. I was met face to face with yet, another pony...

"Hey there!" She was nice, an ambrivert but more of an extrovert, and definitely a hopeless romantic. Her voice was just so cheery and sweet.

I blushed a bit, "U-Um... Gr-Greetings." I stuttered. I knew I was shyer with this pony than most.

In that instant, it all came back.
She was another pony in my visions.
We had an assignment and we were partnered up. I had always admired her from a distance... I needed to be friends with her.

"Hey, want to be friends?" I asked her, afraid of her answer.

I knew instantly then, I had loved her.

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now