They all had a brave face planted on them... It looked like they had been through all kinds of worlds themselves... I couldn't imagine what they had gone through, or whom they even could've met...
Wait, are there other me's?
Okay, stupid thought! Get back to the task at paw...

They all smiled proudly, as they weren't backing down.
Next to me were Lucy and Looka, and after them were all of the others on both sides. We had formed a wall, but we were all going in this together...
All at once.

"Hehe, seems like you made it Wolfie. I knew you had it in you... And all of the others, too." The voice finally spoke up. We all growled at the noise that was coming from nothing. This was a game.... This was all a game to them, was it not? Toying with us like dolls, or puppets... Were we not just marionette's under a puppeteer's string?

We were being controlled.
We were being used.

"Oh, so now you speak up? After everything!?" That's what I would've said, but silence speaks more.
Everyone knew that.

"Ouch. Silence hurts, 'ya know? But aweee, lookie, Shadow's giving me the silent treatment!" The voice taunted.

"What did I say? Now look where you are! I told you, you can trust me, Wolfie..." The voice continued...

That's where I broke...

"Pfft, trust you!? You nearly killed us all!" I snarled.

"Nearly. I didn't though."

"...Yeah, and that's supposed to help how I feel? Plus, you keep sending us into these different worlds, toying with us like we're your puppets! We're creatures. We have feelings too! Unlike you, who's just a sociopath! So now, do tell me, how can I trust you?" I said through gritted and bared fangs...

He only laughed.
"It's your only way out, darling."

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now