Blades and Whispers

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"Looka I'm-" I was cut off by a sobbing Looka.
"Promise!" She shouted to me.

"I-I... I can't." I said, getting up. I looked at the ground. "I'm sorry, Looka... But I can't promise that." I told her softly. I couldn't promise that because I would break that promise... And I don't break promises.

Looka looked hurt.

I walked off. I didn't want to hurt Looka or the others anymore. What was silent walking, turned into emotional running that sounded like a heart beat... Or clashing of swords... It was just louder than I usually was...

I don't know how far I got in that little time, but I got pretty far. I didn't even know where I was... I was... Lost.

I walked further into the Everfree, and I discovered a cliff. I went to the edge of the cliff and looked off into the distance. Right below me, there were crashing waves that would go over my head in seconds.

I looked into the sky, and noticed that it was almost night... Or was it? It was breaking twilight in the sky. It was really beautiful.

A cherry blossom petal flew off of a tree, and made its way over to me through the wind. It landed on my nose, and then, it just vanished with the wind. 

Then, all of a sudden, it began slightly snowing.

A very high pitched ringing noise shot through my head. I trembled, holding my ears. This was just like the battle between Cheerilee and me.

The ringing noise was so bad that I could feel blood dripping from my ears... I had tears in my eyes, as I tried to be strong. The ringing noise didn't let up, it kept on ringing and ringing... It was painful...

This was painful.
Life was painful.

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