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The Golden Wolf's Prophecy:
Oh no! Oh no! I didn't expect this... Not one bit!
This wasn't in the plans!?
I can't be seen, but Shadow is doomed!
What can I do?
She must prove herself.

I contemplated.

Quickly, I used my magic to create a red bandanna.

I had this one gift for Shadow. This was it. This was reaching my limits of helping her. This was it. She must figure out everything on her own now.

I teleported behind her, careful not to make a sound.
I placed the bandanna on the ground, and without a trace of sound, I teleported off...

I couldn't bare to see her suffer.


I looked, and I tried. I was suffering...

Not just on the inside anymore...

On the outside, too...

I looked behind me to see if there was anything, which I doubted, and then I saw it!

Placed perfectly on the ground was a red bandanna... It's like it was meant for me, like it was placed there for me...
It was like someone had gifted me this...

I had no time to question where it came from. I grabbed it, and I covered my face and mouth with both paws.

I gasped, and I found the relief of the fresh oxygen...


How was there fresh oxygen!?


'Stop thinking! Now is your time to act!' A clear voice reached my mind, and set my thinking straight. I looked up at Cheerilee who was laughing like she had succeeded at killing me...

She was quite sadistic, if I do say so myself.

Even so, she was poisoned.
And that was that.

"Cheerilee! Your plans haven't worked yet!" I shouted to her with a weak, shaky, and crackled voice.

Her laughter immediately stopped. She looked at me with bloodthirsty eyes.

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now