Not A Final Ending

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The poison ball was finally at the highest level of power, and the knife was ready.

"It's time for the silent to never be spoken... MUTT!" The knife and ball came at me at both directions.

I was dead meat... Literally.

"No!" I yelled out in a high pitched, but emotion filled voice. It was like a yelp of some sort...
I closed my eyes in fear of what might happen because the knife and ball were inches away from my body...

All of a sudden, I felt my body being lifted up by the wind... Or my power?

I was lifted straight into the air, right above Cheerilee.

This happened so quickly that Cheerilee's eyes didn't even catch my movement, and she stabbed the air with the knife. And the ball in her hoof? It spiraled into the unknown.

She realized what happened, and she dropped not only her knife, but her jaw, too. She looked above and straight at me.

I realized that the radioactive black lights that were coming from within her and coming out to make poison in the oxygen and noise hadn't effected me...

What was going on?

She grimaced at me. I could practically see her growling at me.

My eyes looked straight to her, and now my right eye was more visible than ever. The yellow light that grew from within it grew brighter and brighter. It was basically like having a comet right inside of your eye.
How nice, right?

From within me, there was also a radioactive light. It shot out of me in waves, and it was also bright yellow. It looked pure compared to the poisoned waves...

My paws crossed themselves into an X, and they planted themselves right in front of my chest.

It was now clear to me what was happening.

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