Feelings Are Fine

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"Agghh!" The evil Shadow stumbled aback, and then fell. The ponies had achieved their victory!
Or had they?

When they were all finally resting, they noticed a twitch in the evil Dusk... They were all starting to wake back up again.
They hadn't beaten them.

The ponies who thought they were victorious got chills down their spines... This was horrible.

Out of nowhere, a mysterious dark blue figured stood in front of the scared ponies. "Thou shall be punished for what thee done to close friends!" With some magic of a horn, all of the evil ponies disappeared.

The hooded figure turned back to us, and she took off her hood.
'Twas Luna, my mentor...

After I saw Luna, everything went back to normal. I sat up and I was in a daze... I was very confused to say the least.

"I'm so very sorry... Your friend... Wolfie, was it? He told me. He told me everything..." Luna bowed her head in shame...

"No, no. It's our fault for being stupid knowing that there would be danger here. ...Anyway, could you tell us what exactly are we wearing?" I tilted the necklace to where Luna could see it.

"Oh my... 'Tis the Second Elements of Harmony. My sister... She got the first elements, but nopony knows that I also got my own elements to bare. It looks like you've all gotten the correct ones... The problem is, nopony knows how to work these elements." Luna explained, sadly.

"Could you at least tell us what our elements are?" Lupus spoke up.

"Oh, yes of course."
Luna walked to each of us...

"Dusk, element of happiness." Dusk's necklace had a bright sun on it. Dusk smiled sincerely.
"Lupus, element of hopefulness." Lupus had a cloud on hers.
"Eclipse, element of acceptance." Eclipse stared proudly at his necklace, which held a star on it.
"Paws, element of forgiveness." Paws smiled lightly. His necklace had a thunderbolt on it.
"And lastly, Shadow. Element of Leadership..." My eyes were dazzled with my necklace, as it had a paw on it.

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now