Knives and Backs

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Scoff looked worried, but he nodded.
He turned around and went back to Echo...
Which, in this universe, I thought they made an excellent couple.
I shipped it.
Oh yes, yes indeed.

"Why do you always lie?" Was what I caught Scoff muttering to himself while he walked away.

There were many answers to that...
...So I wouldn't hurt anybody. If anybody knew I was hurt and that hurt them, than I would just avoid telling them. I'm doing it for the good.

...So I can protect them from myself...
Look, myself is my greatest enemy.

You will always be your greatest enemy.

I noticed that Scoff wasn't wearing much armor...
It didn't seem that he needed much armor either.
Scoff was smart, he could dodge.
There was something special about his armor that made it so he didn't need much armor...

He had an automatic grappling hook attached to his right paw. It was almost like a chain attaching him to something, but instead, the grappling hook attached itself to him.

The chains were black and were very...
How do I say this?
Uhh, I don't know...
I mean, you can't really describe chains that much.
The grappling hook itself was shaped like a crescent moon, which, was pretty cool.

It definitely fit in with the Artemis theme. Artemis WAS the goddess of the moon.

Scoff had only two pieces of armor/weapons. The other piece was this collar...
Or necklace?
This chain?
I didn't know... Let's call it a collar.

The collar's fabric was purple, and attached to it were glass pieces that were blue.

Now, you may be wondering how he protected his heart?
The glass pieces would reflect light off of them, making it very effective to block the heart by blinding the person or just making them aim the wrong way.

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