Breathless Memories

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We both loved each other's company, and we both loved being there for each other. I remember the last goodbye I told her after she left and never came back....

I remember running off and meeting the wonderful creatures that I helped. I remember making the promise... I remember my chosen family, all laughing together and sharing memories. I remember that sweet night sky, I remember helping Scoff, I remember Looka's happy face, I remember Looka's promise to me, I remember how happy Looka was to be with her brother again....

I remember saving Athena, I remember Athena and Winter, I remember Echo and Lucy, Ollie, and everyone else. I remember the two phoenix's....

I remember the visions, and the ponies in them. I remember how much I needed to see them... I remember how much I wanted to meet them in my future... I remember wanting to save my sister... What if she came back? What if I was gone when she came back? ...What about Luna? Who would be there in her night?

That promise. I couldn't break it. What if the humans came back? I promised. I couldn't let them down.

I had a purpose-

What am I doing!? STOP!

I was just about at the edge of the cliff, and I knew that I wouldn't make it...

But somehow, my legs stopped just before going off the edge.

I heard a crack below my feet. The ledge that I was standing on was cracking by the second.

I stood frozen.

The ledge shattered into tiny little rocks and pieces, and just dust. I began falling, but my right paw caught the other ledge.

With all the emotion I had, I used that to pull myself up. I sighed and breathed heavily.

I stood up, remembering the purpose I had.

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