Luck and Logic

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Tears began filling in my eyes like a waterfall that was about to explode with emotion. I couldn't stop my tears, but I could bottle them up into little jars and keep them locked away in a safe... Far... Far... Inside of my brain where nopony- Where no creature or pony could ever find them.

I would be the only one with the key to unlocking the emotions... But I would burn that key, and put the remaining shards into an ocean where nopony would find them.

They would be lost.
Just like me.

I blinked back to tears and looked and Cheerilee, intently. I mouthed a 'no' to myself...

I hated this truth.
And she was oh so right.
I hated that I couldn't save her.

"I like being evil. I don't want to become good, I don't want to become your friend, and I don't need anyone! Remember the things I said about my past? Yeah, well, I lied. Ha! And you even felt bad. I don't need pity. Also, the poison did infact, take over me, but I could've stopped it.
I didn't though.
I wanted it to absorb through my body.
And guess what? It didn't even change me.
It just made me more powerful than before.

I like having poison in me.

Now, enough of that. It's time for you to die!!!!" She laughed like a maniac, and held up her hoof to my face. In her other hoof, there magically appeared a knife. It was aimed exactly at the point of my racing heart.

The hoof pointed at me was forming a black ball of poison that I couldn't wait around to see...

But how do I not hang around? I couldn't control my powers.
I was doomed.
My life had multiple ways of ending...
And they all lead back to one source...


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