One Last Time

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Surely, it was the voice that spoke to me...
And, honestly? I forgave the voice.
He had taught us a lesson.. Multiple.

He made my friends tougher and stronger, and for some reason I had a feeling that they all really needed that. They wouldn't be with me forever, they had their own lives...
They needed those lessons.

The Everfree forest surrounded us, and, oh I was happy alright.
I loved being home... It just felt... Right.
To be out of the vision was wonderful.

My friends stood up and were happy as well. Nothing can quite describe what we felt that day...
Though, we all still felt pretty horrible due to our wounds.... We stayed strong.

We all managed to make it back to my cabin where I had tended to all of their wounds. Scoff couldn't actually heal anyone due to the amount of power loss and energy drain, so it was all up to me and my recipes.

Once we were all healed and patched up, we had all realized...
Seven years had passed.
We were all gone... For seven years.

Time passes differently in visions, I suppose... But seven years?

My friends and I all decided that it was about time that my cabin needed a little... Sprucing up? Heh, tree jokes.

Despite my fear of ponies, we all went into Ponyville. Looka and I planned that if anyone saw us, we would convince them they're dreaming. We went into the market and got a whole lot of things....
Which if you're wondering, they just gave to us because they were scared out of their minds.

We also received information about the Mane Six and Twilight becoming an alicorn princess. Even more reasons to be afraid! An alicorn... Great...

We all set up the furniture in my cabin and it looked quite nice...
From there, I had realized, this was going to be the last year with my chosen family before they moved on with their lives.

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now