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Everything spiraled into a direction that I couldn't see. It was like nothing laid ahead for my future... For our futures... There was nothing, just a blank void into the unknown.

But that's how the future is supposed to be.... Unknown. That's for the best, right? That's what everypony else thinks...

....Then I woke up. I fluttered my eyes opened, and I found that I was staring at the great blue sky with endless of possibilities, and great epiphanies. There was also a hint of nothingness... Like endless of lonely nights...

There were few clouds in the sky, but I found the sun to be completely directed at me. It was basically beating on me, and that was when I realized that having a black fur color wasn't the best color of fur.

But it wasn't a choice nor option.
I was me... I liked me for the way that I was, I didn't care what people thought of me.

...They are just opinions.

But deep inside of my heart, mind, soul and essence, there were bottled up emotions that were locked. They needed a key to open them, and I had that key unconsciously.

I would open it unconsciously just for fun, because I forgot the emotions that were locked away. But guess what? Conscious me hated that.

I mean, who wouldn't?

I had insecurities.
But I only wore a broken smile that took everyone's problems and made them my own. I had to fix them because I knew I couldn't fix mine.

I needed to make sure they were okay before I even gave a single thought about myself.

I didn't care about me.
I cared about them.
They were my life, and if they got hurt, so did my life.

One small piece being taken away from the game we call life, it could shatter and make the whole game board crumble into tiny pieces.

And then, there is nothing.

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now