Ice Glance

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"Okay, wait. How in the heckity heck do you know my name?" I asked this voice person. ...It seemed like every villain knew the protagonist's name in every adventure story...
Was this my villain? ...That actually kinda made sense. The first thing to actually make sense since we got here.

I waited for a response, but none was given. The voice heard me, but wasn't responding.

I turned to my friends with a nervous expression. I tried to smile through the crooked emotions my face made...
This was not good. My friends were in danger, and this was just more than a vision. We didn't even know where we were!

Well, fluff.

My friends nervously smiled back.

I turned to the black screen again. "I know you he-" I tried yelling at the screen in a leader-like alpha tone, but it was useless.

I was cut off by the stupid voice.
"You do realize that I am neither friend nor foe, Shadow. Mweheheh." The screen giggled.
...Was this voice going mad?

The black screen flickered and that caught everyone's attention. Maybe we would actually see who was behind the screen instead of just sitting in nothing but blankness- Erm, floating. 

...If I could recognized whom was behind the screen, maybe we could get out of here.

"It's not that simple, Shadow. Mweh... Things aren't so simple in life." The screen finally flashed and flickered on completely. There was a black computer chair facing the screen. The screen wasn't completely clear, as I could see a huge crack in the glass black screen... Plus, it flickered here and there as well.

It wasn't of much use, but I had to find a way out. This might be our only way out...

But wait... Did that voice just basically tell me to think harder? Did that stupid voice just call me stupid?-
Fair enough.

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora