Gem Temple

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The pony was all white... Actually, there was no color to the pony at all.
White was actually a color, this pony held no color. It was all just like you had gone blind, but you seen the pony take shape and that's the color you would see.

Not even a cutie mark appeared on the rump of the pony... There was no life within this pony... No purpose.

He... He was purely evil.
That... That terrified me.
It didn't appear he had feelings...

The pony had a pointy horn that curved downwards... The pony had a long mane and a long tail... It also seemed like the pony could levitate...

The pony's face scared almost anyone...
Where the mouth was supposed to be, there was no closing. There were only fangs embedded into the skin. He had nothing but fangs on his face...
His eyes were just as scary...

They were like voids...
Or black holes...
They were purely black, and nothing more. They stared right into your soul.

Athena was fast, you could barely see her... But you could see the trail of flames leading closely behind her... The pony was on fire, but he only laughed. The fire did not affect him.

The ponies who were fighting him backed off, and they watched us... They were afraid, scared for their lives. I knew they had no intention of hurting this pony. I know that they were only fighting for defense...

Then, the unthinkable happened. Dereik grabbed Athena in mid flight with his hooves, then, he gutted her with his horn. Before it happened she struggled and looked at me for help, she screeched as her flames grew louder... Then, blood poured down the phoenix.

The pony merely laughed.

"Shadow... Help.." Was what she muttered before her flame flickered out.

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