Logic in Sadness

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I closed my eyes, then opened them.
I stared at Shadow, not backing down.

The mare I was looking at, she wasn't me...
She couldn't be!
This was not me!

I cried out.

She only chuckled, "That's what the fight is all about, sweetie. Get used to it."

"That is not what freedom is! Freedom... Freedom is where you live in your own independence, in harmony with others... It doesn't mean you take lives away. What's the point of freedom if... If in the end, it kills us all anyway?"

"Face the facts, freedom has already killed us,"

"We're already dead."

I just stared at her, coldness forming in my eyes.
How could this be me?
She was nothing like me!
Maybe that was the good thing...
Or my mission...
I needed to show her the right path.

"I would never be like you! A-A..."
I began, and she smirked at my stuttering.

"A what, sweetie?" She asked, practically scoffing.


"Hahheheh, oh darling, I'm nothing like a monster... I'm worse." She crackled, stepping toward me. She could crush me at any given moment... But, she liked to stare at me, watching me suffer under her marionette strings.

I felt like a silhouette...
I was the shadow of my past...
I was the one who stood for the ones in my past, present and future...
I was the silhouette of everyone that impacted my life.

I was invisible.
Only a silhouette...
Even a shadow was brighter than a silhouette...
But now, I was nothing but a silhouette...

Because the shadow, she was standing right in front of me.

I looked up at her, and she seemed different.
What had changed? When did everything go wrong?

How could I save her?

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum