Blood River

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She narrowed her eyes to me and me only... It was like she was targeting her enemy...

What if I was the villain and not her? I mean, perspectives change everything.

What if I was poisoned, and not her?

Then I thought to myself: 'What have I done to hurt her? What could've hurt her, even in the slightest smallest thing?'

My mind drew a blank. I really didn't know. But I was willing to say sorry for it...

Wait.. Had I just formed a plan?
I just formed a plan.

"Ughh, you mutt! Just die!" She shouted with anger.

All of a sudden, I felt myself levitating. Before I knew it, I was up in the air drifting.

My wings were not even folded out, I was just floating... This was just like all of the other times...

And if this was like the times before, well, I knew what was going to happen next...

I felt a power rush through my veins, and I also felt the need for my eyes to close. It was almost like when you catch something in your eye and you have the instinct to shut it right away so you don't feel any pain....

Yeah, well, that's what happened when I was forced to shut my eye...
But it wasn't through instincts, it was from another source that wasn't in my control. I was guessing that it was from the new formed power in my veins....

....Except when I closed my eyes, it went black.

But then, like a snap of a stick, I was back.

...The force that was shutting my eyes had went away, and I could now open my eyes.

I opened my eyes and blinked, but just when I got into focus, my eyes were hit was a great power.

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