Flightless Birds

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"Would you like to know the elements of the dis-harmonized ponies?" Luna asked. Her eyes were shining brightly as Luna felt that for once, she wasn't so alone.

"Yes!" I was excited about learning.

"Evil Dusk, element of gluttony."
"Evil Lupus, element of loneliness."
"Evil Paws, element of wrath."
"Evil Eclipse, element of sloth..."
"And lastly, once more... Evil Shadow, the element of detachedfulness."

"Mmm, makes sense. All of our bad traits, huh? Yep." Dusk understood.

Luna looked up into the sky and she saw that the sun was setting into the afternoon... Her time to rule was almost up. "I must return to my duties. Fare thee well, ponies!" She flapped her wings, and in a moment she was gone...

"Welp, that was quite the adventure. Was it not?"

"More like a tiring quest that I don't want to go on again. I mean, come on! I want to go play video games." Paws whined.

"C'mon guys, let's go home... With Shadow." Eclipse totally ignored Paws and began to lead the way. Paws sighed and groaned, but he followed anyway.

When we got home, all we did was rest, eat, and do whatever ponies do?
Oh, did I mention that I now have food? When I was buying things for my cabin from the store, I realized that I would need food sooner or later...

That night, when everyone else was sleeping, I was still awake. I stared out into the open sky and the moon...

I had heard Celestia had done all of those ruthless acts to the creatures in the Everfree... Plus she abandoned her sister... What was wrong with Celestia? From all the stories I've heard, she seemed pretty nice. Not like the Celestia now...

I gasped.
It finally made sense. Celestia was poisoned, wasn't she?

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now