Light in Darkness

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I looked down at the ground, and then back up at them. I hid behind a mask as I put on the broken smile that I carry with my battle wounds.

"I'm Shadow, Shadow Wolfie. Nice to meet you all." I beamed. They nodded and seemed to accept me...
Why would they?

Why would they accept me? Did they even know who I was? Do they even wonder who I used to be?

"The She-Devil." She crackled.
Voices of her traced all through my head. They rushed down into my veins and into the shattered pieces of my heart.

I was nothing but a she-devil.
Was a she-devil. It changes now.

Even though I might not have been able to save Cheerilee, you better darn believe I'm going to save the others.

Why did this certain emotion lurk inside of me? It traced through the shattered pieces of my broken heart.
But why was it there?
Did it blossom from the feeling that I can't save everyone?

I didn't know what was happening to me... Why, all of a sudden now, were these things happening to me?

"Shadow, you're now a princess. You're immortal now. There's always a curse with being immortal... HehehehehAhahhahahhAHAAHHA!"
A voice pierced through my mind and right into my heart. It was almost like a bullet had entered my body - I was stunned...

That voice...
Was right.
Was this the curse that they spoke of?
Or was there something else?
There was always a catch when you get something wonderful in your life.

You had to work to keep the flame alive, but you also had to be aware that the fire had no limits. It could spread at any moment.

Was the fire spreading?
...This curse, it confused me.

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now