Colored Lights

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I didn't have many memories after I blacked out... Everything just went blank, and POOF, I was out like a burning flame...

I then woke up.
I looked around... I saw that I was in this mysterious room that had castle-like features...
Where was I?
Please... PLEASE let me be out of that world... I can't take anymore of that happy-go-lucky, 'yay everything is fun' world. There were no lessons in that world- There was nothing to you could learn.

...So what was the point of it, right?
I saw no point in it.
Anyway, when I looked around I saw some stairs...

I also saw that right in front of my face, there was a mirror. I observed every part of this place from top to bottom, without going up the stairs, of course.

I then concluded that I was in the none other, King Sombra's castle. It wasn't the real one, though. This was a mere illusion that acted real. ...I didn't remember staring into the mirror, though. I knew better than that.

I wondered how the voice could create such worlds that seemed so real... It must've took immense magic power to create something like that. It just- What? Alicorn magic was needed for things like these, and not one alicorn could preform this, either...

Had the voice created a whole Equestria? ...It could've, I mean, I wouldn't be surprised. I've seen way too many things to be actually surprised by these kind of things. Nothing phased me anymore.

In a quick flash, I was then teleported into another room... This time, it looked like I was standing on dirt ground... It was quite... Weird. It looked like a battle field.

I then looked up from the ground, and I was faced with something much larger and scarier than me...

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang