Planet Earth Turns

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It wasn't from Cheerilee, but it was from me-

My eyes turned white, but I could still see. It wasn't like I was blind or anything, I think it was just from my body being filled with way too much power.... I mean, the power wasn't that much. It couldn't compare to an alicorn's magic, no, it was just a little over the regular power of a pegasus....

I guess I couldn't handle too much power at once. Maybe that's why it was weird? I didn't know, and I pushed the thought to the back of my brain anyways. I didn't have time to worry about that, or question it any further. I had more important things to worry and think about.

I was thinking again. I needed to stop doing that... I scolded myself in my mind to stop thinking, but that only made me think more.

Before I could think of anymore things to think about, I was raised up higher. From the force of the power running through me, my legs were spread apart, and all of the places that made me vulnerable were open to Cheerilee.

I could be gone in an instance, but for once, I actually trusted my power. I had a plan this time.... I needed to trust that either it would go through, or something better would happen.

My eyes shifted from white, to different colors....

My right eye turned golden yellow, possessing power that nopony would ever see because it would always be hidden. My left eye turned ice blue, but it didn't hold much power. It didn't really change at all, actually... In fact, the only thing that changed in my left eye was the lighter shade of ice blue...

But I suppose that, that was cool as well....

Then it hit me...

I don't know how to control this power.

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now