The Flight of Freedom

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Lucy had a big armor plate on her body... It was very heavy, and if I wore it, I would instantly fall. It took immense strength to hold it up, but it was extremely effective none the less... It looked to be made out of brass, or something like that.

On her neck, which was the beginning of the armor, there was a little collar that was purple. On the collar there were x designs all over it..
Then, from there, there was the chest plate. You see, every piece of armor on her body is connected into one armor piece. That made it even heavier.

The chest plate was blue and in the middle was a purple diamond. There were black lines connecting to it as well. Then, from there, there are the shoulder pads. The shoulder pads have the same design as the chest plate except that there are wings attached to the end... It seemed like that could possibly resemble freedom?
Maybe I was looking too deep into this...

The rest of the body armor was blue and the other leg/shoulder pads had the same design as the other shoulder/leg pads.

There was nothing for her feet or tail, though.

Then... She had this big, huge, no, gigantic sword. The two handles in the beginning were purple, then the grip handle was blue, and then the handle connecting to the blade was purple. Attached to the handle that connected to the blade were two wings that came to the side of the sword, that, again, I think resembled freedom. The blade itself looked like it was an iron sword. The blade was blue, but right before it turned fully blue in the middle, it was purple...

And, that was Lucy.

"Hey, Luce, do those wings resemble freedom?"

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