Heartstrings and Heartbeats

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"Shadow, I didn't kn-"

"You can't trick me, sister. You did know. You were gone for so long you must've known. You never came back. You knew how worked up I get when you leave and yet you left anyways..." My voice had been cut down to a whisper due to all of the crying.

"Shadow, you have to understand why I left... You never let me explain... I left for a good reason." I was about to stop her when Wolfie pranced in front of her.

"She's right. Shadow, you have to understand..." Wolfie began.

"I left because I was working for Wolfie, or Eternal Space. It was all for you... You were the chosen one-"

"But why me?" I asked. I honestly didn't get why everyone called me the chosen one, or why I was even an alicorn. It didn't make sense to me... Everything I've done, I've done it because I know I should. Not because I wanted something in return...

"Tch, tch, tch. Let us finish." Wolfie let my sister continue.

"Do you want to know why I never told anyone why I left or where I was working? Do you want to know why I left for long periods of time? It was all for you." My sister had confessed as she smiled.

"Why would you do such a thing? Why would you waste so much time on me! Sister, if only I would've kno-"

"I guess that means we're even then, right?" She smiled and I smiled... Everything was said and everything was felt. Now we both needed time to heal...

"But now that I'm back, we can spend all kind of time together-" She was immediately cut off by a knee-jerk reaction of groaning...

I stared at my sister in horror...
My sister had been stabbed right in the heart.

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang