The End, Is It Not

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And so...
This is about where my story with my chosen family comes to a close.
Athena got together with Winter and now they're in a happy relationship, though, Athena still lives with me.

Echo and Lucy are mates and Looka, Scoff and Ollie are on their own.
My chosen family still lives in the cabin, though, they spend most of their time on adventures.

The final day where they all had to leave came...
They all said their goodbyes and I bid them farewell.
"Don't forget about the lessons. Always remember that failures lead to success, and always protect each other! Remember that Kindness is always enough..." I began, "Until our paths cross again..."

"Farewell, my chosen family." I spoke quietly and waved slightly. I kept on my broken smile and held the tears back...

All of them said goodbye, but one stayed. Looka walked up to me, "Shadow... I have a question." She stared up at me...

"Did I make you happy?"

Those words felt like knives in my fur... They stung with every part of me. My eyes widened as I was about to cry... I was shocked...
But then, I came into a conclusion.
My chosen family had made me happy.
Looka had made me happy...
I couldn't thank them enough...

I closed my eyes and smiled.
I couldn't tell her that her purpose was a waste.

I breathed in, "Yes... Indeed you did Looka." She smiled.

"Good." She paused and looked at me for the last time, "Goodbye Shadow." She turned her back and walked off.

Tears pricked my eyes and I let a tear escape... "I'm sorry, thank you and Farewell, my chosen family."

I bid my last farewell...
And just like that, they were gone...
This was a new chapter of my life.

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now