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Tears pricked at my eyes rapidly as I saw blood dripping off from the knife that had pierced her heart...
I had only just gotten her back when she was being taken away from me.
And now, I'm going to lose her all over again...

Everything can happen in an instance.
All good things must come to an end.

Time was ticking, there wasn't much time left before my sister would turn into nothing but dust.

Wolfie growled fiercely as I stared up in horror at whom had done such a thing... Dereik.

"Now we can have adventures, just like the old times." My sister smiled as she breathed those last few words.

Dereik smiled as he took the knife out and my sister dropped to the ground- Limp.
She was gone.

"SISTER!" I screamed.
In an instant, everything can change.

And in that instant, I changed too.
I saw right through Dereik. He was the one spreading poison to everyone... He... He was the cause of all this sorrow and pain..

My sister disappeared instantly.
My heart grew ice cold, and my eyes flashed yellow.

"You. Do. Not. Mess. With. My. Family!!" I sprang at Dereik, but I was too slow. Dereik leaped out of the way, and even Wolfie was having a hard time trying to catch Dereik.

I couldn't forgive Dereik.
If you hurt my friends or family, you hurt me. This couldn't be forgiven.

I growled, but Dereik only chuckled.

"This won't be the last you'll see of me. I'll come back. Slowly, painfully, and unknowing." Wolfie leaped at him once more, but Dereik had teleported off before Wolfie could tackle him to the ground.

"Shadow!" The others rushed towards me and started to all talk at once. They were all shocked, as they couldn't believe what had happened.

I couldn't believe that I let that happen.

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now