This Way

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I shyly waved to everyone, cracking a bit of a smile...
At least, I knew, even in other dimensions, I had my friends. Nothing could change that... Ever.
There was too much to wonder about this world... There was too much to perceive...
I really wish I could've said: 'So I just chose not to think about it, or perceive anything.' But, slight problem, my mind didn't work like that. My mind would fill with thoughts, wonders, daydreams... Anything to keep my mind awake and alive... I couldn't simply shut my brain off, because, if I did that, well, I don't know...
Because I've never done it...
Or ever attempted...
Losing that part of me... The curious side... I felt like, by letting it go, I would lose apart of me, too.
So I chose to hold onto everything tight, grasping it in my paws... So I wouldn't lose apart of me, or anyone else.

I chose to hold on for too long.
I chose to love someone for too long, until my heart broke.
I chose to trust too easily until I learned to trust no one.
I chose to show my emotions to others, until I had to hide them...
I chose to feel everything at once, for too long, all together, until I could feel nothing at all...

For I was numb on the inside, and nobody knew...
I was always the outcast- The loner...

...I was an outcast wherever I went, and my path would always lead back to being the true loner I was.
...Did I even deserve this life? I loved it, the adventures, my friends, everything about it was amazing...

...But I didn't deserve it...
I didn't deserve them.

"We've got to take action, now!" Lucy shouted at the others and they all went scrambling into different positions...

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