And that was when I met Paws.

"Ugh, I don't want to! It's just another pony, in another place. We could've handled that monster! It would've been just fine if she and her pets would've stayed far away! ...I'd rather be playing video games than socializing right now." He rambled. I wasn't shocked of what he said of me, but the others gasped. Lupus covered his mouth and he squirmed and could be heard muffling things behind the hoof of Lupus.

"That's enough out of you, Paws! Don't upset her!" Lupus shushed Paws.

"He didn't mean it, really." Dusk smiled.

Paws moved Lupus' hoof out of the way and stared straight at me with no emotion. "Yes I did!" He huffed.

'Okay, he really doesn't like me. This is an excuse for me to leave! Let's go!' I wanted to turn around, but I knew I had to stay otherwise I would get yelled at by Wolfie, and I really didn't want that to happen.

"Augghhh! Why can't I just go home and play video games!?" Paws groaned. It seemed to me that he would much rather be inside playing video games, rather than socializing.
...And in that way, I understood Paws.

Paws was a fully white pegasus with a light grey mane and tail. Both of his mane and tail was long. He had black eyes, and an expression that said he had more to hide than to show. His cutie mark was a black game controller.

"Well... You met everyone!" Dusk shouted, basically jumping into the air with excitement.

"So tell us, miss Shadow. Who are you? Who are you truly?" Lupus eyed me.

Who are you truly?

Those words pinned me to the ground and no matter how much I struggled, I couldn't seem to get back up.

Who was I truly?

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now