Stories Untold

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Lucy's eyes widened...
She couldn't believe what I said...
It seemed like all of the anger that she once had, it simply washed away.

She collapsed onto the ground...
She looked at her paws and slowly looked up to me, but stared straight back down at the ground when she met my eyes...
It was as if, she knew, somehow, that I was angry with her...
But I wasn't.

"I-I'm sorry..." She stared intensely into her paws. "I never meant to-"

I planted a paw on her shoulder, "It's alright, Lucy... I understand..."
"Your Shadow meant a lot to you... I promise, I'll get her back to you." She looked up at me and met my eyes...

"R-Really?" She asked.
I nodded, softly.
"T-Thank you.." She shed a single tear, but stood back up as if nothing had happened.

"Let's get back to the armor-thing... We have work to do." She smiled and lead the way...

"AWE!!!!" Echo and Scoff cheered as soon as we left the room. They both were in an overload of emotions, so at least that kept them busy...

"Alright, let me ask you a series of questions to find the perfect outfit for you." It seemed fair enough... I mean, at least this would help me. Unlike the others who tried to dress me up as if I were a doll...

"Do you like light or heavy armor?" She asked, but I think she knew the answer.
"Light." She fiddled with a bunch of different armor sets, and then she found what she was looking for...

"Effective or non-effective armor?" She asked, once more.
Okay, why do they even have non-effective armor? I mean, armor is supposed to protect you! ...Things confused me.


" 'Kay..." She fumbled with some more armor sets...

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now