Beyond The Borders

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"In the middle of the main town, right in the middle where everyone can see it. It's the biggest building and it's a castle, so it's not that hard to miss."

I nodded, as I two more questions that I had to know... "Who is the current ruler of Atlas?" Since Looka was gone, some one else had to take the throne. I mean, a city couldn't run blindly, someone had to be in authority or everyone would have their freedom.

"...Dereik, is his name. He is the only pony that lives in Atlas... We have no idea how he got here, but he's here..." She said...

That name...
For some reason, it had a strong feeling towards me...
Do I have possible memories of him?
Who is he?
Who will he be?
....Only time could tell.
I would figure him out later.

"Lastly," I faced Lucy, looking at her straight in the eyes. My face was as serious as it got, emotionless, even. "Do you think we can do this?" I had to ask her that important question, I needed to know that she would be completely with me on this. It was the only way to freedom and the only way to find their Shadow... I waited for her response.

...She was taken aback from the question, as I don't think she had ever been asked that question before. She seemed shocked, but she was thinking about it.

She chuckled, "You're just like our Shadow... Asking these important questions. Of course I think we can do this!" She shouted, as I saw the fire in her eyes grow larger. I respected that... I respected her warrior-like nature. The fight for freedom was hard, but with a team like this, there was no doubt in my mind that we couldn't achieve it.

This place actually held hope for their freedom.

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum