I motioned my head around so fast that my body couldn't even try to move with it. I turned around fast to where the noise was coming from, and I found myself face to face with a huge screen....

That voice could read my thoughts!

"You're getting good at this, Shadow." The voice on the screen laughed. I couldn't see anything but a pitch black screen. There was only a voice coming out of it... What? I could tell that the voice I was hearing wasn't the real voice of this creature.

My friends looked up at the screen with surprise.

I'm supposed to know what to do...
But I didn't.
And I still don't.
Isn't that what I was meant to do? Know everything?  That's what the protagonist always does... Was I even the protagonist anymore? Was I even the protagonist to begin with? ...What if I'm just a background character that no one cares about? I probably am, but for a background character, I'm grateful for what I have. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I was grateful for the hidden life that I had... It meant so much.

The Golden Wolf's Prophecy:
This is it, Shadow. This is your last test of book one. Make it count.
..Heheheh. You've got much in store... Make sure you pass the test.
No pressure or anything-
Oh wait, actually, there's lots of pressure.
Life and death, actually.
Good luck.

"What do you want?" I asked, quietly but my voice echoed and it sounded icy and louder. "More importantly, what are we here for?" I asked what seemed to be the void.

"You're here for a very special reason, Shadow." The voice said. I inferred that it was a male, but I didn't know. It could also be female... Heck, it could be Cheerilee for all I knew.

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now