Lost Constellations

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"Really? I thought either you or Looka would've came up with a plan by now... I really thought this was a dream as well, but I guess not." Ollie looked down at his paws. "I don't remember much... I just remember blacking out all of a sudden, and then that voice was in my head. I couldn't control it... Part of me is gone... Lost forever. ...Maybe this is good? Maybe this is a new start for me. Maybe I can be a different dog this time... A better one. Maybe I can be everything I wanted to be in my previous body."

I looked to Ollie. There was much more than we knew about Ollie beneath his pup-like nature. ...Why hadn't I realized? He hid everything from us. He knew it was for the best, too. He was like me.

I had never talked to him about his real, deep and dark past. Everyone had one, so why didn't I talk to him about it? I should've-

The healing was finished, and so was our time in this room... All of a sudden, we were all separated into rooms.

I found myself in a battle room.
'Guess who was with me? Looka...
Oh no...

The others were separated into groups of two in different battle rooms. I knew where this was going... The voice would make us fight... Each other.

This was horrible.
This was torture.

"Remember what I told you? You wouldn't be together for long. You are now all separated. This is for the better, Shadow. This is a lesson." The voice came back, and was now speaking to all of us. The voice could be heard from all around, room to room.

"Yeah, I see that. What's your point?" I asked the voice, very annoyed.

"Ah, you see, Shadow... You two and the other pairs were placed in the same room for a reason... To fight."

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu