Unsaid Words

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I opened the cabin door slowly, and Looka walked in first. I was nervous to enter, but Looka was motioning me to enter.

Everyone perked up, and trotted over to us...

Next thing I knew, I was sobbing with everyone surrounding me.

"I'm sorry... I'm so, so, so sorry... I never meant to yell at you guys..." I told them... It probably sounded muffled through the tears, though.

"Don't sweat it, kid. We all get like that." Scoff said in his "cool/aloof" tone.

Lucy and Athena were already crying because I was like that.

Echo took things logically, and forgave me.

I'm not sure what Ollie thought, bur I'm sure he agreed with the others...

I was also pretty sure that Looka was still pretty hurt from it... But she was a forgiving dog...

I relaxed a little bit, letting my guard down.

I really shouldn't of done that... And by that, I meant letting down my guard.

It seemed like my mind was about to explode... It felt like I was shot with a bow and arrow... Or a bullet... It felt like my brain was shattered into tiny little pieces... This pain was worse than any type of pain I had ever experienced in my life... It was just... Bad!

And then it happened:
With no warning, I was thrown into a vision... But this time, I wasn't alone... My chosen family were with me. We were all having the same vision which was very odd... How could this happen? I thought I was the only one who could have visions?-

This vision was very different compared to any other vision I had, had. This vision actually caused me pain. The other visions were pretty calm, well, except for the one that gave me the panic attacks...

It made me realize that this wasn't any normal vision...
This was a programmed vision.

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now