Breathe, Wolf

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I ran off, away from the field and away from Scoff.
I couldn't bare to see any more of my friends as ponies!
...But I knew, Scoff wasn't my last pony I had to see. There was one friend left... I wondered what he looked like in pony form...

It was Ollie.

Scoff shrugged as he looked at the distance.
"Welp, okay then." He shut his door and trotted back into his home.

...How did my legs know where I was going? No idea.
But they did seem to lead me into the right direction..
...I just wanted to go home.

I was trapped...

I looked ahead to where I felt like going, and I went there. This time, I found myself on a farm. I saw multiple ponies plowing and watering their crops... Most of the plants growing were food specific.

I then saw a small brown house that had a shape of a barn, but wasn't a barn...
I think...

I trotted to the door and I knocked.
My knocks were soft and very distinct. They were different from every pony else's knocks.

There was slow walking, but then the door opened. The pony looked side to side and then down at me. He jumped for a moment, but laughed it off when he saw that is was me.

I noticed that this was an earth pony, just like all of the other ponies who were working on this farm.

I could see the inside of the house, but I found it to be not a house at all, but it seemed to be a shop...
In fact, it was a food shop...

Interesting, huh?
Food for Ollie, writing for Lucy... I never knew that they had these passions, but it did fit them.

I slowly looked up to Ollie and I shuttered.

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