The True Beginning

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Lucy had blood pouring out of her mouth... Her eyes were forever widened.

I didn't dare look at Lucy, nor turn around. I stood in shock...

Looka crackled, "HehehehehehHahAhHAHAH! Did you think you could win? Ha! Did you really think your life was worth anything? Surprise! I'm back! I knew our paths would cross once more... So do a favor for me,"
Looka turned my way and looked at me straight in the eyes, "Die!"

I didn't touch my weapon.
I didn't move.
I didn't dare speak...

...Someone else did.

"You hurt my friends, you hurt my family, you hurt me! I'm done, Looka. I'm done giving you chances! It's time to fight for," A female, warrior-like voice spoke.

"Freedom." The female voice and Looka said in unison.

Lucy smiled, "Shadow..." She breathed. Lucy closed her eyes, a soft smile on her face.

My eyes teared up as I could hear what was happening.
This was their Shadow...
Lucy could've just died...
And now, this was the battle...

What was my plan, exactly?
I was right.
Shadow was back at this exact time.

For some reason, I didn't want to be right.
I wanted to stay.
I wanted to make things okay.
I wanted to be their Shadow...
But I couldn't.

Their Shadow stepped out, as she was behind me...
She looked exactly like me..
There were no changes.
Except, she didn't have armor...

Shadow turned her head to me...
Her face was serious, but she had this small smile on her face. She looked at me with this gleam in her eye...

"Could I have my armor?" She pointed to what I was wearing. Before I could say anything, the armor was already off. I handed her, her bow.

"Thanks." She quietly said.
I nodded...

They were going to battle...

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن