Chasing Silhouettes

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I had never done it before...
Surely, she was like the others...

I mean, from all of the stories I've heard of her, she was way different.
This wasn't her.

She turned the other way and she laughed. She basked in her glory...

She gave me time to think of a plan.

Never give me time to think of a plan.

Even though I was weak, I shakily, with all of my power, stood up. I collapsed at first, but got right back up...
How could I save her?

What about my fangs? Didn't my sister say of something that my fangs had this power to...?
I drew a blank.
That's all I had.
I had to go for the risk and chance...

I had to go for this half-of a plan that I made!

I leaped at Shadow, gaining the upper-paw. She made no noise, as she was used to all of that. She jumped up in the air, and kicked at nothing...
Since my fangs were trying to sink into her neck, and I couldn't hold on with anything else, I went flying through the air, eventually crashing into the wall...

I couldn't give up.
I had to see my friends again.
I had to persevere!

I got back up, and even though I was bleeding from multiple places, even though I had multiple broken and fractured bones, I kept moving. I was surprised that the wall-crashing hadn't killed me.

Surely, it would have if I didn't refuse to live another day.

You have to refuse to die to live, otherwise, you're already dead.

If you're not fighting to live...
You've died long ago.

And let me tell you, I made a promise...
And I'm darn sure I'm going to keep it!

I leaped up, and whilst spiraling down, I tackled Shadow.

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now