Hello Goodbye and Hello

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I sighed.
I knew how they must feel... Being cowered in fear over another creature or wolf... It was like ponies and I...
They hated me, I hated them...
It was what it was...

"Alright, so, the plan is to burst through the trapdoor whilst they are all in there. It's going to be risky, but we can do it. Lucy and Shadow will be the first ones up, then Athena and I, then Echo and Scoff. We need to do it all at the same time, which, I don't know how, but we'll figure it out..." Ollie explained and they all nodded.

I looked at all of them and I officially confirmed to myself that, yes, this was indeed happening... Here we all were, about to go off into our master plan...

At least I would be one step closer to achieving my goal of being reunited with my friends. I couldn't wait to see them again. Not once have they left my mind, not once have I forgotten about them...

I wondered how much time had passed... I wondered where they were...
I wondered what had happened to them...
Could they somehow be in this dimension? Could they be in another dimension? Could they be in a dimension similar to this one?
I just really wanted and needed to see them again.
No matter what, I would reach them.

I wasn't going to lose them now.

I observed my teammate's armor...
They were all very unique and very distinct to everyone's personalities.

First, there was Lucy.
Her armor was kinda like my Artemis armor... In fact, everyone had the theme of Artemis armor. Could that be Shadow's choice? I mean, the whole group consisted of blue and purple things...
I think...
I think I may be right. This could be Shadow's idea.

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now