On My Mind

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She was very confused when we had to surrounded her. She was playing an act of some sort...

"Who are you? Don't underestimate me, ponies." Her voice echoed in the silence of which we basked in.

We were Luna's secret warriors. We would take what was right for Luna...

"Stop it, you're scaring me." She began to sound worried, almost as if her act could be given up at any point in time.

We still continued to close in on her...

"THAT'S IT!" She shot a powerful beam of darkness right past Paws, almost hitting him. The beam hit the glass panes and shattered them. From the beam, black acid had formed.

She was surely poisoned.

"SISTER!?" Luna came running, but when she saw what was going on her face turned black. "Wh-What 'tis going on here? Sis-" She looked at her sister and her eyes widened.

"You're not Tia..." Luna softly backed up. Celestia's eyes had gone black, her mouth was pouring out black acid, and her smile was crooked.

"Heheheheh, I never was Luna. You're so foolish! And all this time you believed I was your dear old sister. Who do you think casted you away to the moon?" The poisoned Celestia crackled.

"...You. What have you done with my sister?!" Luna grew angry. She was about to use her magic when the poisoned Celestia shot her beam of darkness at Luna, which sent Luna flying onto the wall. The impact was enough to leave a pony with a concussion. Luna groaned, but tried to fight.

It was no use, Luna was out like a light.

"Tch. Tch. Tch. No, no Luna. Remember to respect your elders." She turned to us, and I growled.

"Where. Is. Celestia!?" I lowly barked. She had crossed the line by hurting a loved one... Luna was dear to me, even though I wasn't dear to her.

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now