Forced Fusion

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Gravity can be quite the jerk sometimes...
Especially if it's unpredictable.

Good thing I had wings!

As my paws brushed against the ground, to avoid the impact of landing, I beat down my wings, which sent me spiraling back up.

Like a parachute, I slowly glided down to the ground to meet Cheerilee.

I hit the ground, and walked over to her. I looked at her, and she looked at me with an angry expression.

"You can't kill me! I'll be back, Wolfie!!!" And with that, she disappeared into the nothingness that was nothing.

You see, when they disappear, they don't die. They just disappear into thin air, in which from beyond that, I have no idea where they go....

But they come back.

It can be a long or short time period before they come back... They're quite unpredictable, and this is how they get stronger...

As soon as Cheerilee disappeared, I collapsed onto the ground. Not even my legs could hold me...

I had the breath knocked out of me...
That was it.
I had used to much power, but I had no control. The power had a mind of it's own, but, it was good. The power was pure. I had to trust that the things that the power did... Was right.

Was me collapsing due to having no more power?

I shakily tried to stand back up, but my legs just wobbled and gave up. They planted me right back down on the ground.

I looked up to the sky. There were only a few clouds in the sky...

I had done it. I had saved my friends from what potentially could have been them getting killed by a pony.
And I would do it a million more times if I had to... If they weren't alive,

What was my point in living?

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now