Clouds and Skies

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"He came straight up to me! He wouldn't leave me! He seemed old enough, actually, he was this size... He didn't have a home... I had to take him in! It's like he chose me!"

It was clear to me that this fox was one of the kits from one of the foxes that I had looked after. I smiled at the fox, "Nice to see you again, Cloud."

"Again?" Questioned Dusk, and the fox winked at me. "He likes you! Come on, come meet my other friends!!" Dusk jumped over to the other group of ponies...

Was this it?
Were these the ponies in my visions?
I don't think so...

I looked at the group of ponies standing behind her...
How could I intrude like this?
How could I just step into this friend group like this?
I wasn't one of them, I wasn't apart of their deep friendship....
I didn't fit in.
There was no room for me.

How could I ever belong here?

...But they welcomed me with open arms...

Why were they so nice to me?
Why didn't they hate me!?
I know how hard it is to like me. I know how easy it is to hate me.

Why were these ponies actually being nice?
Their smiling and beaming face drew me in...

"Give them a chance, Shadow." Wolfie whispered... He then flew off, away from me. He left me with no one-
Welp, I had Athena, but she was already socializing with the other animals...

"I-" I stuttered. I had no idea what to say... Do I befriend these ponies? Do I trust them?

Why befriend them when they had already caused all of my other friends to go away?
How could I trust them when all they do is stab me in the back?

But I took the leap...

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now