Bound Enemies

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One thing was for sure, my heart had been broken and repaired. I didn't know when, where or how this took place, but I had a warning. This made me fear... I had fallen in love, hadn't I? Why? Didn't I give enough warnings to myself?

To never fall in love?

Apparently, I hadn't.
Or had the love sick spell contain my emotions and locked me away, making me fall for such a great game?

...Love was a game to most, but to me, it was a gift. It was also my enemy, my energy and the thing that nobody sees.

I don't fall in love quite often, but when I do, trust me... I fall in love.
All at once, deeply and slowly...

And then... Something just takes over my body... Once I'm over it, I reawaken and ask myself what happened, but I'm left with the heart warming memories of the past....

And that my friend, makes me want to experience it all over again.

I looked at the ponies around me, and I wondered to myself: 'Will these be the ponies of my past? In the future, will they not be there? ...Will there only be memories?'

"I'm sorry, I can't do this..." I muttered, turning around to walk back home. Athena shot a glance at me as she had stopped playing with the other animals...

"Shadow? Isn't this what you wanted?" She asked, knowing how lonely I had become after all of the others had left...

"What's wrong?" Dusk became concerned with the sudden emotions leaking out of my presence.

...But that was just it.
I was a solider who carried on with her battle scars. I always had an open wound that was bleeding out... No matter what, it was always there.

Whether any creature saw it, or not.

Shadow Wolfie's Prophecy (Book: 3)Where stories live. Discover now