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Mariah Delacour POV

Mattheo left the house with the kids a couple of minutes ago. I'm still with Yn at the back house tying her wrists a bit better than before.

"You think we can do this?" I ask her. She looks at me and after sighs.

"Hopefully yes" I look at her. "I don't know. This time everything's different".

"What do you mean?".

"It's the first time that I will go against Tom after so many years".

"But you are really powerful".

"He is Voldemort's son, Mariah. I don't know if I can even do that. I ... I feel awful by going behind his back at the moment".

"If we told him, he would say everything to Fleur".


"Look. It's normal to feel somehow bad about lying to your husband but he is not your husband at the moment. He is a puppet of my sister. He hasn't his memories right now and needs help. Help from us".

"I know" I'm done tying her wrists with gauzes and I pulled everything away.

"Hey. Listen to me. No matter what she is about to do, we are gonna save Tom. Alright?".


"We got this".


"So. Let's tell the plan once again" I keep my stare at her. She is panicking so I have to make her somehow relax.

"The plan?".

"Yes. Tell me the plan" she looks around the whole place and after at me. Sign that she is panicking. "Tell me the plan, Yn" she stares at me.

"I'll ... "


"I'll go to talk with Tom".


"And ... Uhh ... "

"Take your time and concentrate".

"You will talk with Fleur".


"And then I will find a way to bring Tom's memories back".

"Perfect" she breathes to calm.

"Thank you, Mariah".


"Let's go?".

"Let's go".

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