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Yn Emma Lestrange POV

The boys are nowhere to be seen and it's getting late. Like ... Really late. For them to be outside. I'm bored as fuck at the moment. Bellatrix and Billy are asleep and I haven't something to do. I take my diary and sit down.

Dear Diary,

It's a bit complicate that situation between me and the boys the last few hours. We fought over the smallest thing which I don't think it was important at the moment. After we said stuff that we shouldn't say. I mean ... I didn't deserve that. Right? I didn't deserve the pain they my fake father and my father put me in. I didn't deserve that. I hope I didn't. I haven't done something to deserve that. My fake father, Ace Yln, was an arrogant bitch that cared only for himself. Ok. There are times that he helped me out but those memories aren't a lot. The only that I remember is that I wanted to go back at Hogwarts after every holiday cause I wanted to be away from him. At the holidays, I was the whole time, out of the house. I was going only to sleep. I was even appearing food by magic. The only memories that I have from him, is that he was abusive and wasn't protecting me no matter what. After his wife died, I became a problem to him. At least he took what he deserved.
Now my real father. To say the truth, Marcus doesn't feel like a father to me. We aren't even alike. We haven't any similarities. He tried to kill me. That's what he wanted. To kill me. I don't know the reason. I didn't hurt him or kill someone that he loved. I gave him a second chance. I mean, Bellatrix and he were ...

I stop writing and start thinking. Bellatrix and Marcus wasn't close. Could he ... Force my mother to do stuff that he wanted?

Important flashback that I didn't write in the other chapters just because it's an important one. It's before Yn finds out who her real mother is. So Bellatrix and Yn are/aren't enemies.

"Who's there?" I point my wand at the dark hall. I couldn't see anything. Nor hear anything. "Who's there? Come out" I heard a a loud noise. It sounded like someone fall. I walk slowly there and see someone at the floor. I run there. "Bellatrix?" I kneel down. I catch her pulse so I can be sure that she is alive. I done a spell. She is still asleep but talking to me just with her mind. "Who did that?".

"M ... "

"M? Can't you tell me the whole name?".


"Please. I want to help you".

"I'm forced to done this. I promise you".

"Forced to done what?".

"Hide the truth".

"From me?".


"What truth".

"I can't say. He is gonna kill me if I tell you about it".

"Bellatrix please. Tell me what is going on. No one will come near you. I swear. Just please tell me what the hell is going on".

"I can't. I'm sorry. Just a hind".


"He's not your father".

"What?" I stare at her in horror. "Who's my father?".

"I can't say".


"No. He's gonna kill me if I tell you. M ... He's here. Somewhere here. Transfer me out of here" I nod.

"I need to learn the truth".

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