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"I'll join" I say in a low voice.

"Join? Mhm. You are a brave one".

He grabs my arm and pulls up my sleeves. He places his wand to my arm and starts mutter something. Seconds later the symbol starts being visible (the photo up). I try to stay calm. I don't want to cry. Not in front of him. I won't give him the satisfaction that he can control me in that way.

He pulls away still keeping my arm to his hand. I stare down at my arm looking at it. I shouldn't accept. I should die. I deserve the death. Not this one. He pulls away from me and watches me. I keep staring at my arm. The tears threatening to roll down my cheeks but I pull them off. I take a deep breath and look up at him. He scares a lot more now.

"Now. If I ever learn that you said something about us, I'm gonna take your life being in that or not. No one betrays me and lives. Am I clear?".

"Yes ... My Lord".

"Good. Y'all can go and keep an eye on her" he stares at me.

"Of course".

We all walk away and transfer back to the class. Snape, Tom and Mattheo stare at me. I pull down my sleeve, take my book, notebook, wand and run away. I should decline. I should did. I should.

"YN WAIT" I heard Tom yelling before I run off the classroom.

I run at the Astronomy Tower. Luckily no one is here. No one is coming here after all. I leave my stuff down and sit at the edge, hugging my legs. I let my tears roll down my face as I look up at the sky.

"I'm sorry father. I guess now I understand what you meant when you said that I'm gonna bring pain. I am sorry. I know I messed up. I did a lot of bad things but ... "

Tears stream down my cheeks uncontrollably. My voice turned into a shaky one. I place my head at my arms and start crying.

"I can't do anything right. Never. Tom was right. I can't do anything right. Why? Why am I like that? Why I must disappoint everybody around me?

"WHY?" I shout once.

I hope no one heard. I do not want someone to come up here. At least not now. My arm starts hurting me so I pull up my sleeve. I start scratching the place that the mark is with my nails but the only that I achieve is to hurt myself. My arm start bleeding and I start cry more and more.

Skip time

It's been a lot of hours. I missed all of my classes and the dinner. I take my stuff and walk downstairs and straight to my dorm. I walk inside quietly. I thought Mattheo would be asleep but no. He was sitting there waiting for me. As I close the door I heard him.

"Yn?" he turns on the lights and looks at me.

I can sense his sadness but why is he sad? He should be happy. Right? I walk more inside and place my stuff at the desk. He stands up and stares at me.

"Are you ... Are you ok?".

"Of course" my voice is shaky but I still wanted to lie.

I heard him sighing which caught me off guard. A tear roll to my cheek so I stay with my back at Mattheo.

"I brought food for you. You haven't eat anything today".

"It's another task from your father? To poison me?" now he definitely heard my shaky voice.

"No. It's just ... Care I guess?".

"Care? Do the Riddle brothers feel?" now more tears are rolling down my cheeks.

He doesn't answer and I walk into the bathroom. I know that he just cared for me but I can't feel it now. Everything are wrong to me. He is a Riddle. Why would he care if I would eat or not? I change into a more comfy outfit and walk outside. Mattheo wasn't in here. I saw the plate with food at my bedstand with a letter on it.

You better eat that before I'm back, Yn. I don't have problem to hand-feed you if it is essential.

I softly smile and shake my head. I sit at my bed and eat a bit. Not a lot but a bit. Just so he can't say something. I lay at my bed and just then Mattheo walks inside. I look at him and after turn around so he is facing my back. After all I'm a mess. My eyes are red and puffy. My cheeks red. My hair a mess. I don't want he sees me like that.

"Yn?" I don't respond but my fucking voice did. I gag in a breath as I couldn't breath normally from the whole crying thing. "Yn turn from here".

"I want to sleep" I say in a low voice which doesn't seem that much shaky.

Before he can say anything else I pull my blanket all over my head and stay there crying. It's the worst day ever. I don't want to being alive at the moment.

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