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Yn Emma Lestrange POV

Tom and I walk upstairs to my room. He closes the door behind us. I sit at the bed and stare at him. He comes and sits next to me.

"Want time did you wake up, darling?" I just stare at him. "Yn. What. Time. Did. You. Wake. Up?".



"But I slept 2 more hours downstairs".

"Downstairs? Where?".

"At the kitchen table?" he sighs and stands up. He goes over the window and stares out of it.

"Why did you wake that early?".

"Nightmare" he turns and looks at me.

"Again?" I nod. "What about?".


"Who's Ace?".

"Ace Yln. The person that I grew up with. That I thought that was my father" he nods at me.

"What did he do?" I shake my head.


"Yn, tell me what you saw".

"Nothing. I didn't see anything" I stand and try to leave but he locks the door. I grab my wand and Tru to unlock it.

"EXPELLIARMUS" my wand flew away. I sigh and turn around to face him.

"Why do you care anyway? I saw it. Not you".

"I'm sorry to disappoint you but I care for you".

"Yeah. Whatever" he stares at me half shocked and half confused.

"Whatever?" I sit back down at the bed. My wand flew back to my hand. "You think that I don't care for you?" I don't answer and just stare down at my hands. "Yn?".

"I don't know" I say in a low voice. I stand up and go at the bathroom. He follows behind me. I untie the gauzes from my hands. I see dry blood everywhere. "I don't know" I whisper even more low than before.

"You don't know, if I love you?".

"Love and care is not the same thing" he stares at but I don't raise my head to look at him. I throw water at my hands and softly hiss.

"You can't really believe that" I cast a spell under my breath and a few scars appear at my wrists. I see a bit blood dripping down again and sigh. I tie my right hand with a new gauze tighter than before.

"It's not like someone ever cared for me".

I grab my wand and walk downstairs. Tom follows behind me. When I enter at the kitchen I softly smile.

"Ready, kids?".

"YES" I smile at them.

"Let's go then".

We all catch hands and appear at the train station. We go through the wall. I kneel down and stare at them.

"Don't beat the living shit out of them. Ok?" they softly smile and nod.

"Ok, mom".

"Good kids" I kiss their foreheads and they smile at me.

"Bye" they say bye to us and get into the train. Snape transfers at Hogwarts. I turn and look at the boys. Tom was a bit upset and I guess Mattheo felt it.

"Is everything ok between you 2?" I look at Tom and he looks back to me.

"I'll go for a walk" I say and transfer out of there.

Mattheo Marvolo Riddle POV

Since Yn and Tom cane downstairs, they were both sad. I could feel it. When the kids and Snape leave, Yn's face expression changed quickly in a sad one. I asked if everything is ok between them but she transfers away. I look at Tom and he sighs.

"What happened, Tom?".

"Trust issues. That happened. She can't understand that I care for her. She can't understand that I frickin love her".

"What did you talk about?".

"I asked her what time she woke and she said 4. I asked her why and she said because of a nightmare. I asked about her nightmare and she said that she saw Ace Yln. When I asked what happened with him to her nightmare, her whole expression changed. She became another person. A whole different person. The only thing that I remember, which made us how it made us, it was when she said that 'it's not like someone ever cared for her'. Like her whole attitude changed" I nod at him.

"I'm gonna talk to her".


"Well go ... Back home? At Theodore? Anywhere you want. I'm gonna find her. Ok?".


I nod and transfer someone that I wish I find Yn. She better being here.

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