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Yn Emma Lestrange POV

Tom, Mattheo and Axel go for a walk. I go and buy a pregnancy test. I do it and just wait. I have to wait. It's been around 15 minutes. I have to look. It's important. As I take the test to my hand, I look shocked. It can't be.


Again? But like what is about to happen? What if Tom doesn't want it? And if Mattheo will be angry with me that I have a child with Tom? But I have a child with Mattheo either. Oh my Merlin. Help me to get out of this situation. I'll hide for a bit and after will tell both of them the truth. I heard the door close. I left the pregnancy test at my bed and walk downstairs.

"Hey, boys. How was your walk?".

"Hey, Yn".

"Hi, mom".

"It was good" I pick up Axel.

"How was the walk with your dad and uncle?".

"It was fun".


"Axel, no" Mattheo says.

"Why was it fun, Axel?".

"Dad fall up to a tree" he laughs. I look at Mattheo and try to hold back my chuckle.

"Don't you dare laugh, Yn".

"I didn't say anything".

"I can see that you're ready to laugh".

"I'm not" I smile trying to hide my laughter.

"Whatever. I'm going to change" Mattheo walks upstairs.

"Axel, go and change clothes and after come for food".

"Ok, mom" he runs upstairs.

"I want we talk for a bit" Tom says.

"Uhh sure. Tell me".

"Yn, I ... "


"I ... I actually ... "


"Well this is super awkward for me but Yn, I really like you and I wanna be with you" I stare at him shocked.

"Wow. I ... I didn't know you were feeling like that".

"I love you and ... I love you like before we break up. Like the first days. Back at Hogwarts".

"So ... So much?".

"Yeah. I mean ... " I stare at him desperate to hear that one question. "Wanna be my girlfriend again?".

"Of course" I hug him tightly and he hugs me back.

"You know ... That's the only time that I have admitted my feelings for someone".

"I know" I pull away and smile at him. "I love you".

"I love you too, darling" we stare at each other.

"Well, I'm gonna make the food. Go and check up on Axel. Ok? I don't want him being hurting".

"Of course, ma'am" I hit him playful. We both laugh.


He goes upstairs and I laugh. I shake my head and start making the food.

Tom Marvolo Riddle POV

I walk upstairs at Axel's room but he isn't there. He is definitely at Yn's room. I walk there.

"There you are" he has something to his hands. A toy of his maybe. I pick him to my hug.

"Hey, uncle. Look what I found. What is it?" I look at the thing. What? Is that ... A pregnancy test? I take and look at it.

"Positive" I whisper to myself.

"Uncle" I look at Axel.

"Where did you find it, Axel?".

"Here. At mommy's bed".

"Was it here before we leave?".

"No, uncle".

"No" I whisper. "Ok. Let's go downstairs. Ok? Don't say anything to your mom about it. Promise me?".

"I promise you".

"Good, boy. Let's go".

I walk downstairs with Axel to my hug. Mattheo walks downstairs either. We all sit down and start eating. I didn't eat. I keep my stare at Yn. She hided it. Why? But she looks anxious at the moment. Why? What is going on?

We finish with our lunch. Yn takes Axel and go upstairs. Mattheo tries to leave but I stop him.


"I have to tell you something".

"Go ahead" I take out of my pocket the pregnancy test and place it at the table. Mattheo looks shocked and sits back down. "W-What is that?".

"Yn's pregnant but she hasn't told me anything and that's suspicious".

"Talk with her. She maybe is stressed. You remember how she was with Axel. You told me that and not Yn".

"Yeah. You're probably right".

"Talk with her. I'll send her here".


Mattheo Marvolo Riddle POV

I walk upstairs at Axel's room. As I entered I hear Yn talking to him. Telling him a story.

"And after that little boy, admitted what he had done and-"

"The police arrested him?" Axel says in a really tired voice.

"Yes, baby. The police arrested him" I entered and Yn looks at me.


"Mom is telling you a story?".

"Yeah" I smile at him.

"I'll continue the story. Go downstairs. Tom wants to ask you something".

"Ok" she stands up and looks at Axel. "Goodnight, Axel".

"Goodnight, mommy".

She walks out of the room and I sit at her seat. I continue the story at Axel.

Yn Emma Lestrange POV

I walk downstairs and I'm slightly stressed. What does Tom want to tell me? As I entered at the kitchen, Tom hides something behind his back.


"Hey. I wanna ... Uhh ... Ask you something".


"Are you ... "

"Tom?" he places my pregnancy test at the table. I stare shocked at it. I look up at Tom.

"Is it mine?" I simply nod and he smiles. "Why did you hide it?".

"Scared" he looks at me confused. "I was scared" he comes near me and hugs me. I hug him back. "Just scared".

"I'm here, love. Anything that will happen, I'll be here for you and that baby".

"Thank you. I really needed it".

"Of course, love".

He kisses my forehead and I hug him tighter.

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