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Mattheo Marvolo Riddle POV

Tom and I finally leave from the forest. We decided to walk back home and not just to transfer.

"You think Yn is gonna be angry at me if she learns someday that I knew that Snape was her real father and didn't tell her?" Tom says out of nowhere.


"How do you know that?".

"Cause you will explain to her that you promised to Bellatrix not to say anything".

"But she will bring you up like an example".

"We will say that I didn't know anything. You don't have to worry about Yn bring angry".

"She will hate me".

"You know, sometimes, I wish you were back to your bossy attitude/character" he looks at me confused. "I mean, when we were Death Eaters yet. When you were fighting for the power".

"I hated myself for that".

"But at least then you were a scared asshole that doesn't do any move to explain to his girlfriend the truth" he stares at me angrily, now really challenging me to back talk to him.

"Mattheo, cut it".

"Why? Am I lying?".

"No but you know that I hate it".

"I don't give a fuck what you do. Yn is not the principal of the school that will give you detention. Nor your mother that will punish you. Yn is your damn girlfriend that cares for you and loves you. She won't go against you, if she doesn't want to achieve something from that".

"I know but-"

"No buts. We are gonna tell her. Ok?".

"Fine but you will be there either".

"Don't worry about it" he nods at my comment.

We continue walking. The forest is far from our house but we needed clear air. After all, Yn is with the babies. Nothing is gonna happen.

Skip 10 minutes

At the end we transfer from the forest (a bit out of it) at the park near to our house. We walk till the house. We see the door open and look each other. Tom runs inside and I run behind him. We see Yn at the floor. A letter to her hand and she is unconscious. Tom runs to her and kneels down next to her.

"Yn? Yn. Hey".

"Catch her pulse" he did.

"She's alive. Just ... Unconscious".

"Ok" I take the letter and read it. "Tom?" he looks at me and sees the letter.

"What is it saying?".

"Read it".

"Just read it yourself to me. What is it saying?".

"Yn. My daughter. If you are reading this
right now, then that means that I'm
already dead. I'm sorry that I hadn't the
chance to tell you the truth earlier. I tried
to. The first time that we met but I guess you
didn't understand a lot. I didn't say everything.
I should. I know that I should tell you ages
ago but I couldn't. I was in danger
and couldn't risk to put your life in danger
as well.
The truth is that Ace Yln and Marcus Alarie
aren't your real father. Any of them. Marcus
was threatening me. If I had told you
earlier the truth, I would had die before
I get to know you.
I have to tell you who's your father. Like
I told you back then, at your 5th year at
Hogwarts, his name starts with S. Now I
can tell you that his last name starts with
S either. Your father is Severus Snape.
It may sound confusing to you but that the truth. I couldn't say that earlier and I'm sorry about it but I wanted to keep you safe. Even if it meant that I had to lie to you about your father. Please understand that I tried my best. I tried to tell you. I gave you hinds but it wasn't a lot. You may be angry at me at the moment and I completely understand it but please don't be angry with Severus. He doesn't know anything. He is probably gonna learn it after you. If you don't read the letter when Tom will give it to you then Snape will know it before you and will try to find you.
Now that I mentioned Tom. He knows
Everything. I made him promise me not to say anything to anyone. Not even Mattheo.
Don't yell at him and don't say
anything harsh on him. He promised
me. He couldn't do otherwise. He isn't
responsible about it.

Your mother,
Bellatrix" I look at him. He sighs and sits down, his back touching at the wall just like Yn is sitting.

"She knows everything".

"She fainted. At least we know how it happened".

"She shouldn't learn it like this".

"But she die. We can't change that now".

"She has to wake up. I have to explain to her".

"Bellatrix explained everything at this letter".

"And look how Yn reacted".

"It's the shock".

"I should tell her".

"You promised, Tom. You fucking promised on Bellatrix not to say anything. Especially at Yn".

"But she-"

"She just fainted for Merlin's sake, Tom. She is ok. Let her calm down when she wakes up. Don't start talking and say 'oMg Yn I'm So SoRrY I DiDn'T mEaN tO lIe To YoU bUt I hAd To'. Let her say anything she wants and answer only what she will ask you. Don't be stupid. You don't have to explain yourself. You promised Bellatrix, not to say anything. You just kept your promise. Understand or do I need to make myself more clear?".

"I understand".

"I hope so. I'm gonna check the babies".

He nods and I walk upstairs. Oh my fucking Merlin. Why does he have to be so stupid? Back at Hogwarts he was the best. After that we left, he became a whole other person. He became the worst type of himself and I hate him for that.

Triangle Problem Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora