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Yn Emma Lestrange POV

It's been 6 months that I'm pregnant. Tom and I are close. Close meaning girlfriend and boyfriend. We are sleeping at the same room but when I start being annoying I send him at his room.

The last week I have a few contractions but I just ignore it. It's normal. I think. I hope it is. It better be.

It's becoming more close to each of the them and worse than it already was. It hurts like hell at the moment. I'm at the living room with Mattheo and Tom. I rest back my head and tears start streaming down my cheeks.

"Yn?" Tom stands up and runs near me. "Yn. Hey. What is going on?".

"It hurts like hell".

"W-What ... "

"FUCKING HELL" more and more tears stream down my cheeks. I can't stand this type of pain at the moment. I start crying and screaming at Tom.

Tom Marvolo Riddle POV

Yn starts crying and screaming at me different things each time.

"We gotta go her at the hospital" Mattheo says inside my mind. 

"Take Axel. Meet us there".


I run at Yn and sit next to her. I catch her hand and transfer out of the hospital. We enter immediately. Nurses run to us.

"What happened?".

"She started crying and screaming that her stomach hurts really much".

"How months is she pregnant?".

"6 but we came 3 days before and the doctor said that the baby is fine".

"Ok, sir. Wait at the waiting room and I'll inform you in a while" they go Yn inside of another room. Waiting room? Seriously? I can't wait without doing anything.

I go at the waiting room and sit down. I am stressed as fuck. What is going on? Mattheo runs inside with Axel to his hug. He comes near me.


"They are inside".

"Did they tell you something?" I shake my head. "She's gonna be ok".

"I don't know. I have bad thoughts about this pregnancy. Something ... Feels wrong".

"She's gonna make it. The baby as well".

"They better do. I won't be able to forgive myself that didn't do anything earlier".

"We didn't know that, Tom" I sigh. He sits down next to. "They are gonna make it. Ok?".


"Believe in her. She is really strong. She will get over it soon enough".

"I hope you're right".

"I know that I am".


Doctor POV

"Doctor?" a nurse says to me.

"We gotta do a C-section immediately. There are complications and the baby is already in the position but she can't deliver. We gotta go immediately".

Nurse POV

The doctors and are nurses go into the surgery room. I go to inform her family.

"For Ms. Lestrange?" a boy walks near me.

"Is she ok?".

"Sir, I have to ask from you to wait for a few hours".

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