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Imagine that Yn is 8 months pregnant

Meanwhile with Yn

As I opened the door, I saw the last people that I wanted to see. That I waited to see. It was true. She's alive and he has one last life. I get out and close the door behind me.

"Bellatrix?" it's really difficult to see again your daughter. I thought she was dead and now I learned that she had a second life.

"Hello. Mother" she said the word 'mother' in a sarcastic tone.

"Voldemort" I look at both of them.

"Hi there" they both raise their wands. I did either. "LEVICORPUS" I got hang upside down by my ankles.

"LIBERACORPUS" I say and fall at the ground. I point my wand at them again. "MOBILICORPUS" I throw Bellatrix away. Her wand is away from her.


"PROTEGO" Voldemort's spell hit the 'shield' that is around me and after hit him. He groans. "EXPELLIARMUS" his wand flew off his hand. "PERTIFICUS TOTALUS. LACARNUM INFLAMARAE. FUNNUCULUS. CRUCIO. AVADA KEDAVRA" Voldemort falls to the ground FINALLY dead.

I turn my stare at Bellatrix. I walk near her and kneel down.

"Why? Just why?".

"Cause you are a bitch".

"I'm your mother".

"You are an asshole" I stand up and try to walk away before I hear what she casted. "CRUCIO" I scream in pain.

"EXPELLIARMUS" I fall on my knees. Blood stream down my body. I look at my right. Axel had casted the expelliarmus spell. "INCENDIO" Bellatrix screams but it was muffled. Do I hear everything muffled? "IMPERIO. AVADA KEDAVRA" I see Bellatrix's body falling at the ground. Axel runs to me. "Mom?".

"Who taught you all these spells?" I softly chuckle and he smiles.


"Ahh ... I'll have to punish him about it" I groan in pain.

"We have to go at the hospital".

"I'm ... I'm ok".

Axel Riddle POV

"Mom, you're bleeding" she looks down her body. She was a bleeding mess. She lays her head back down. I place her head to my legs. "Mom, please. Keep your eyes open" she was really tired. I can see that. Tears stream down my cheeks. "HELP. SOMEBODY HELP" no one is around. I look back down to my mom. She doesn't move. "Mom? Mom. Mom. MOM".

I transfer us out of the hospital. I look around. There are nurses and doctors out here.

"HELP. SOMEBODY HELP" a doctor runs near me.

"What happened, my boy?".

"It's my mom. I don't know what happened" of course I had to lie. No one would believe me if I had said that she fought against a witch and a wizard.

"Yn Lestrange?" he asks.


"Alright. Follow me".

He picks mom to his hug and I run behind him. He goes her into a room and I wait from the outside. I manage to pull my tears away and I achieved to relax. I see dad and uncle running inside. They see me and run near me. Dad kneels down and looks at me. I just stare at him.

"Axel? What happened? Where's your mother?" I just stare at him. "Axel".

"She's with the doctor" I felt tears forming in my eyes again. He hugs me and I hug him back.

"Calm down, buddy. She's gonna be ok".

"She got hit by the Crucio curse" he pulls and stares at me shocked. I look at uncle.

"Did you see who did that?" my uncle asks.

"Voldemort and Bellatrix. Your first daughter" they both sigh.

"Are they alive?" dad asks. I shake my head. "Did you ... Use any spell at them?" he asks hesitantly.

"I ... Actually I d- ...


"Mom killed Voldemort and I ... "

"You?" uncle says.

"I heard her screaming and run downstairs. When I arrived, she was bleeding so I ... Casted ... 4 spells".

"Which are those spells, Axel?" dad asks.

"Expelliarmus, incendio, imperio and Avada Kedavra" they look shocked. "I'm sorry. I saw her hurting and ... I shouldn't. I know but I couldn't ... I wanted to help her".

"It's ok" dad turns my head on his way. "It's ok, Axel. It's ok".

"I'm sorry".

"You saved your mother and I'm proud of you" I softly smile.


"Of course" he softly smiles at me. "But let me ask you something. How do you know those spells and who gave you that wand?".

"Well I found the wand at the back of the house and I learned the spells from Billy" they both look at each other and after at me. "I was helping him remember a few spells and I remembered those".

"Ok, buddy. You did great" he nods at me.

"For Yn Lestrange?" we walk near the doctor.

"Is she ok, doctor?".

"She and the babies are ok".


"Also ... She gave birth".

"But she was only in her 8th month".

"The babies are healthy and can go home. The exact same goes for Ms. Yn".

"Alright. Thank you, doctor".

He nods and walks away. We all walk at mom's room. As we enter we saw her staring at nowhere specific. She was thinking. When she heard us, she turns her head and looks at us. Her stare fall at me and she sighs in relief. I run at her and she sits me at her lap.

"You scared me to death".

"I'm sorry, mom" she kissed my forehead and hugs me. I hug her back.

"Did she hurt you?".

"No. I'm ok".

"Are you sure?".

"Yes, mom. I'm ok".


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