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Yn Emma Lestrange POV

It's been hours that I'm not home. I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel awful. Like I'm gonna throw up again and again and again. Without stop. I hope I'm not sick or something. The last time that I felt like that I ...

My thoughts cut off as the memory hit me. The last time they I was feeling like that, I was pregnant. But how is that possible? I haven't ... With Tom. Shit. I did it with Tom. Holy fuck.

I grab my wand and transfer at the nurse that Tom had went me when I was bleeding from my stomach. I take a deep breath and walk inside.

"Hello?" the same woman appears.

"Hello, my dear. How can I help you?".

"Uhh ... I need a pregnancy test" she smiles at me.

"Of course" she hands it to me.

"How much-"

"It's free" I stare at her. "You are Yn Lestrange, aren't you?".


"My name is Davina Lestrange" I stare at her confused. "Bellatrix's twin sister".


"Yes. She is inside, by the way. She will stay here like she said".

"Yeah. Ok. So ... You are ... Like ... My aunt?".

"Yeah, I guess" we softly smile at each other. I look at the test and after at her again.

"Thank you again".

"No problem. Good luck".

"Thank you".

She nods and I leave. I transfer back home. I pull the pregnancy test to my pocket and walk inside. Mattheo and Tom are asleep but I want to be safe from every single way. I rush to my bedroom and lock the door. I run at the bathroom and lock that door as well. I did the test and now I'm waiting.

"Why is it so stressful?".

I sit down and take deep breaths. Seconds later I stand up and take it to my hands. I take a deep breath and look at it. It's ...

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