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Yn Emma Lestrange POV

It's finally the next day. I guess I'm gonna go for a visit at my mom and aunt. I change clothes and walk downstairs. Tom, Mattheo and Axel are eating breakfast. As I get inside, Tom stares at me.

"Good morning, boys".

"Good morning, Yn" they both say.

"Axel? How are you today?".

"Good" I smile and he softly laughs. He is so cute. I sit down and eat breakfast either.

"I'll go at my mom and aunt today" the boys nod at me. "You think it's ok to take Axel with me?".

"Of course".

"He is her grandson".

"Thanks guys".

They nod at me. We all eat and after I take Axel and leave. I appear out of their house and enter.

"Mom? Aunt?".

"Yn. Hel- ... " they both stop and stare at me and Axel.

"Who's ... "

"He's Axel" I look at Axel and smile. "Say hi to grandma and aunt".

"Hi grandma. Hi auntie" I smile at him and look back at them. "He's 2 years old" Bellatrix walks near us.

"Can I?".

"Of course" she picks him to her hug. "How are you?".

"We are ok".

"That's good".

"Our sister is here" I look confused. 


"Yes. Come inside".

I nod and walk inside with them. As I entered, I saw a woman sitting at the living room waiting for us. As we entered she stands up and stares at me.

"You must be Yn. Right?".


"I'm Rebekah. Nice to meet you".

"Nice to meet you too, Rebekah".

"Let's sit" Davina says.

We all sit down and start talking. Rebekah is a beautiful woman and has a nice personality. She has hazel eyes and blonde, nearly white hair. She has a perfect jawline and perfect thin lips. Her nose is small and goes slightly up. She is friendly and a good woman. She was a Death Eater with my mom.

It's been around 3 hours. I start feeling sick but don't say anything. I think it's time to go back home. I take Axel, say goodbye to everybody and transfer back home. As I entered I saw the boys cooking. We all sit down and eat our dinner. I start feeling more sick than before. As I take the first bite of the food, I felt like throwing up. I stand up and run upstairs immediately. I heard footsteps and someone enters at the bathroom. It's Tom. He ties up my hair for me.

When I stopped throwing up, I sit back unable to do anything else at all. Tom kneels in front of and lifts slightly my sleeves just to check.

"I didn't cut myself if that's what you're searching for" he nods at me.

"Feeling a bit better?".

"No" he places his hand to my head.

"You are not warm so you are not sick. Maybe a stomachache".


"Let's get you to bed".


He picks me to his hug and goes me outside at the bedroom. He lays me down and pulls the blankets all over me.

"Thank you".

"Anything, love. I'll be downstairs. If you need, call my name. Ok?".

"Ok" before he leaves, he turns and looks at me.

"Wanna eat something?" I stare at him.

"No. I'm ok".



"Ok. Rest".

I nod and he walks downstairs. I have a feeling of what it may be but I don't wanna think about it.

Mattheo Marvolo Riddle POV

Yn runs upstairs. Tom and I look each other.

"Go. I'll stay with Axel" Tom nods and runs upstairs. Axel looks at me.

"What happened with mom?".

"I don't know, Axel. We will wait and see. Ok?"


"Good, boy. Eat your food".

"Ok dad".

It's been a few minutes. Tom walks downstairs. He sits down and sighs. I stare at him.


"Just a stomachache" I stare at him. He has thoughts.

"Axel, can you go a bit to your room?".

"Ok, dad" he runs upstairs.

"Now tell me. What happened?".

"I don't know. I have thoughts about it".

"I'm listening".

"She was only throwing up when she was pregnant" we stare at each other.

"But she wasn't sexual active for 2 years" he stares at me. "You 2 ... "


"Holy fuck, Tom. Didn't you use a condom?".

"Did you?" I sigh. He got a point. "I didn't know that she was that sensitive and could get pregnant that easy".

"She could be not pregnant. We don't know that".

"You're right. She could be sick".

"Right" we stare at each other.

"I'm gonna check on her".

"I'm going at Axel".


We both walk upstairs. Tom enters Yn's bedroom and I walk at Axel's rook. As I entered I saw him getting to his bed.

"Ready to sleep, Axel?".

"I'm not tired but you are gonna be angry at me" he pouts. I softly smile and shake my head.

"Well. Lay down and let's talk. I'm sure that you will fall asleep".

"Ok" he lays down and looks at me.

"So. You met your grandma today. Right?".

"Grandma and 2 aunties".


"Yeah. They are so beautiful but no one is more beautiful than my mom" I laugh at him.

"You're right. No one".

We talk for a bit more and he finally fall asleep. I pull the blanket over him and after walk outside. As I walk downstairs, Tom gets out of Yn's bedroom.

"How's she?".

"Better. She fall asleep. How's Axel?".

"Good. He fall asleep".


"I'm going to sleep. Goodnight".

"Goodnight, Theo".

I go to my room, take a quick shower, change into a comfy outfit and lay to my bed.

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