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Tom Marvolo Riddle POV

Yn and I arrive back home. That date was amazing to say the least. When we got inside, we saw Mattheo sleeping at the kitchen table. As we closed the door, he wakes up.

"What?" I softly chuckle and he looks at me. I noticed scars to his arms.

"You ok, Theo? Your arm is full of scars" Yn says.

"Yeah. Your daughter loves the pain" he mutters.

"Heal them".

"I did. Axel has perfect ideas of hurting someone" Yn softly chuckles.

"He's your son, Theo".

"Mhm. Yeah. How was your date tho?".

"Perfect" we both say.


"Did something happen while we are out?" I ask.

"No. Nothing".


I walk upstairs to change and to see if Bella is ok.

Mattheo Marvolo Riddle POV

Yn casts a spell and changes clothes. Then we heard Tom yelling for me.


"Shit" I run behind Yn to hide.

"What happened?".

"It wasn't my fault. I promise you" Tom runs downstairs.


"A what?".

"It's not my fault, brother. I promise you. I had to deal with something and-"

"Left Bella to get fucking hurt?" he whispers/yells.

"No. No. It's nothing like that. She got lost and after-"

"Got lost?" Yn says. She turns around and stares at me angrily. I go away from her either.

"I promise you, guys. She is ok. I promise" Yn glares at me.

"How the heck did she get hurt?" she asks.

"Uhh ... I don't know".

"Where were you?" Tom asks.

"At the back house".

"At the back house. You left 3 kids alone and went at the back house".

"2 kids".


"T-Two kids were here. 1 was at the back house with me".

"I guess, Billy. He always gets in trouble".

"Uhh ... He wasn't good to say the truth".


"Some Gryffindor students are bullying him" they both stop.

"What?" Yn says.

"They blame him that he killed his sister. No one believes them cause they know the truth but Billy wasn't good psychological. I found him at the back house, near the lake and we were talking. Axel came and told us that she was missing. I know that I should be here and take care of Bella and Axel either but Billy really needed someone to talk to. He never opened up to anyone like that before. He needed that. I'm sorry" Tom and Yn look each other.

"Sorry, Theo. I didn't know" Yn says.

"Doesn't matter. You got worried about Bella. I understand".

"Sorry" Tom says.

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